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Opening Times:
Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Other times by appointment.
Access to archives collection by appointment only
Entrance: Free
Facilities & Accessibility: Fully Accessible,
Toilets, Wheelchair Accessible, Unsupervised Cloakroom
Contact Us
If you have a story about growing up in the village, photo's you would like to share or if or someone you know attended the old village school. Please call us on 01903 740188 or email your message
Family Activities and Exhibitions
Exhibitions are on display in the Museum during normal opening hours.
Current Exhibition - Traditional Tales. The world of myth, magic and fantasy.
Family Activities 2012
Please note all Monday evening talks will be held at the Old School, School Lane, Storrington. Starting promptly at 7.30 pm. Entrance £4. Non Members Welcome.
Saturday, 18th August. Opening Day: Traditional Tales
Thursday, 23rd August. Junior Archaeology Fun Day.
Dig for buried treasure, make bronze pots and Saxon runes. Prizes!(children must be accompanied by an adult) 10am - 4pm. Refreshments available, further details contact the museum on 01903 740188.
Thursday, 13th September. Visit to Marlipins Museum, Shoreham. Cost including entrance fee £4.50. Start time 2.30pm
Saturday, 15th September.Bric-a-Brac Sale at the Old School. 10 am - 4pm
Saturday, 13th October. Quiz Evening.
The Old School, School Lane, Storrington. For further details: Rene Harwood (01903 745756)
Sunday, 21st October. Family History Day.
Researching your family tree - expert guidance. 10am - 4pm
Thursday, 25th October. Halloween Workshop. 11am - 3pm.
Saturday, 17th - Sunday 18th November. Pro-am Art Show and Sale Work by local artists
Saturday, 1st December. Christmas Fair.
Father Christmas, craft stalls and more!

If you would like your business to be part of our community events, providing sponsorship of exhibitions or evening talks please call us on 01903 740188 or email your details to the museum
If you have memories - light-hearted or serious, frightening or inspiring - that shed light onto everyday life in wartime, we would be delighted to hear from you.